CAS is something simply out of the ordinary but so special…
The months of November and December 2016 my class, Year 12, spent a
couple of hours in a senior living residence called Savia which is 5 minutes away
from our school.
Our activity of the residence is included in creativity & service.
We also spend an extra hour each
week going to a primary or nursery class and help the little ones or playing
with them, that is personally super exciting, it is just something different
out of the ordinary daily school routine not only for us but also for the little
ones and regarding the living residence for the senior ones, it is really
wonderful to see how anxiously they always await our arrival.
In order to complete our creativity
requirements we are encharged of decorating the school in special dates such as
Halloween or Christmas and organizing activities for other classes, on the
other hand activity basically
stands for sports and excursions that we are involved in. It is not only doing sport or helping people
is being responsible and aware that you are socially engaged with
something, volunteer for it and give as much as you can without
expecting anything back.
The past 20th of December we were in a Christmas mood and decided to prepare
a couple of Christmas carols and go to sing them at “Savia” by no means we
managed to do a perfect performance and we did not, they resulted in being two
pretty enjoyable hours in which despite less our bad singing voices we achieved
our purpose, a lot of people participated; laughing, clapping hands, dancing or
singing which since the beginning we were told that was essential.
We are assigned a special Senior resident which we will be doing activities
with every time go over to visit the residence, last time apart from singing we
played bingo too, and that is actually our commitment; make them feel happy, once
a month they are “the stars” and they love to be so, it is actually a privilege
to be able to make them feel better, we try to do our best every time.
I personally believe that too, it was simply awesome to see so many eyes
shining joyfully, and these goes back to what we have always being told “We bring
life to them, it makes them happy to see so many youth” and at the end of the
day we should be the most thankful ones, they help us to grow up so inexplicably
in every aspect. Every time I go to visit them they actually make my day, I go
back home with a smile, they are actually able to live a big print in your
heart. They are the ones that most help you and even if we try to do as much as
possible for them, at the end they result
in being the ones that do much more for us.
From my point of view CAS turns you into a more responsible and
volunteer teenager and it is actually something every school should be willing
to involve their students in.
El reciclaje en el colegio es una
actividad complementaria al CAS, participamos dos alumnos, esa es la cantidad
de personas necesaria para el trabajo.
Es una actividad que me gusta
mucho, ya que no se trata de recoger “basura”, sino que al fin y al cabo,
reciclamos papel y además es una actividad que me gusta por la imagen que nuestro colegio ofrece de compromiso claro con la naturaleza y el medio ambiente.
Este año hemos conseguido cambiar
un poco el sistema de recogida del papel, el cual consiste en cajas de cartón,
a las cuales les hemos añadido el logo de reciclado, repartidas entre las
12 clases, common room, laboratorio de química, staff room y oficina; después
en el pasillo de la 1ª planta se encuentra una gran papelera azul con un signo
de reciclaje en la que los compañeros de cada curso van a vaciar el papel recogido en las cajas. Con ello queremos que el resto del alumnado y el profesorado se implique en esta
tarea tan importante para nosotros. Después, nosotros recogemos el papel de la
gran papelera azul, así como del staff y de la oficina y salimos a tirarlo
al contenedor azul que hay en la calle. Este contenedor es sólo para el papel y
el cartón. El ayuntamiento de Paterna es el encargado de recogerlo. Esta
operación la realizamos en ambos edificios, el de bachillerato y el de
primaria. Hay que decir que en el de primaria, dado que son más alumnos, hay
dos papeleras grandes azules, una en la primera planta y otra en el staff room.
Allí llevan el papel de cada clase y de la biblioteca.
La verdad es que con este sistema
hemos podido apreciar un cambio, la papelera del papel suele ser 90% solo papel
cosa que antes no era y además reciclamos más kilos, de normal suelen ser unos
10 kilos por semana pero últimamente hemos llegado a 15 o 20kg, lo cual es
fantástico ya que indica que gracias a este nuevo sistema, sobre todo en
primaria se está empezando a respetar más el reciclado, y eso es algo muy
importante para los niños ya que desde un principio les hacemos que vayan tomando nuevas responsabilidades, como puede ser la del “encargado de vaciar la caja”, creando
una sociedad un poco más civilizada y comprometida.
En definitiva, me parece una de las
actividades más importantes que hacemos en el CAS, se trata de dar un ejemplo a
seguir a otros cursos y a los pequeñitos y creo que a base de trabajo,
planificación y esfuerzo en la parte de “SERVICIO” estamos satisfaciendo tal
Gracias a todo los que ponéis de
vuestra parte para colaborar, las cosas se construyen poco a poco.
By Megan Cantalupi Y12M